Posted by Alumni from Substack
April 7, 2024
Great Divergence. Resources. Energy. Growth. Profits. And a sustainable transition as a provincial periphery. There are many ways to describe what we are seeing happening across the world in the space of transition to a more sustainable future. I write 'more sustainable' intentionally since the current mode of the economic system we operate under contradicts, at its core, any structural systemic shift. Yes, we have seen some marginal improvements over the last 10 years: the transition to fossil-free energy production, transportation, and a limited number of products and services we use in our daily life. "Not enough" is probably the most accurate way to describe the current status in relation to the state of transition. We have notably not seen a transformation of incentive structures, business models, and ownership structures. The primacy of stakeholder capitalism, serving the interests of stakeholders as they are usually narrowly interpreted, means that all transition is mainly... learn more
The wealth should be used to solve the climate crisis.
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