Posted by Alumni from WEF
April 5, 2024
Impact valuation can help businesses prosper in a world where we see an increase in the occurrence, frequency and severity of social and environmental issues. A vital metric in the era of stakeholder capitalism, it involves quantifying and valuing a company's positive and negative externalities related to society and the environment. The question often asked is whether the effort of impact valuation is worth it. The answer is: It depends on how you use it. Industries with significant impact potential, such as mining, agriculture or pharmaceuticals, are crucial to the global sustainability agenda ' across issues like clean energy, zero hunger and good health. Understanding impact is integral to risk management and value creation within that context ' and to how we will ensure a just transition, build resilient food supply chains, and tackle healthcare inequality. There are no simple solutions. Businesses are faced with a rapidly changing landscape of potential risks and, quite... learn more
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