Posted by Alumni from Crunchbase
October 27, 2023
Firm founder Marc Andreessen is also known for his opinion pieces, from 'Software Is Eating The World' to the new and much-discussed 'The Techno-Optimist Manifesto' published last week. The 5,000-word 'manifesto' basically says technology is the cure for ' not the cause of ' the world's ills and comes complete with an enemy list and even a 'meaning of life' entry. While it's been much debated here, here and here ' as well as several other places ' we'll forgo the back-and-forth and instead look to see how 'optimistic' the firm really is right now in the market. !function(e,n,i,s){var d="InfogramEmbeds";var o=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];if(window[d]&&window[d].initialized)window[d].process&&window[d].process();else if(!e.getElementById(i)){var r=e.createElement(n);r.async=1,,r.src=s,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,"script","infogram-async",""); As the world has somewhat returned to normal since the start... learn more
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