Posted by Alumni from TechCrunch
June 9, 2023
I serve the accounting and financial planning needs of more than 750 startups, which provides me with a unique position to help founders stay informed about the different factors that affect funding, valuations, spending, startup management and other trends in the startup economy. The data in this report is not from a survey ' it's created directly from anonymized accounting data from more than 700 of our clients. As such, it's not subject to any optimistic thinking bias that so many startup founder surveys have. Low interest rates over the last decade have fueled growth and boosted startup valuations across every industry. But in June 2022, the rate of inflation peaked at 9.1%. In response, the Federal Reserve dramatically increased interest rates, bringing easy access to cheap money to an end. The end of easy money is forcing founders to react. Startups that might have easily gotten venture funding in the past are going to have to get creative to extend their cash runway. The... learn more
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