Posted by Alumni from The Conversation
March 13, 2025
In response to President Donald Trump's declaration of a 'national energy emergency,' the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently listed hundreds of energy and infrastructure projects that would be eligible for fast-track permitting. The projects, which include oil pipelines, natural gas power plants and mining projects, were already under review. But the possibility of accelerated permitting raised concerns that without effective oversight, the projects might be allowed to alter or destroy hundreds of acres of wetlands or risk contamination of drinking water sources. But based on my experience as an environmental law professor and former government lawyer, it's not clear that the claimed emergency conditions warrant fast-tracking major projects with minimal environmental review or public scrutiny. To be sure, swift action is often necessary in an actual emergency to prevent loss of life or property damage. A levee breach during a storm may require emergency repairs, including placing... learn more
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