A retired US Army lieutenant colonel is organizing an armed convoy to the Texas border to, he says, hunt down migrants crossing into the US from Mexico. Hundreds of people already say they are coordinating travel plans for the convoy on Telegram as tensions continue to rise between the state and federal government over immigration. Pete Chambers, the lieutenant colonel who says he was a green beret, appeared on far right school shooting conspiracist Alex Jones's Infowars show on Thursday to outline plans for the 'Take Back Our Border' convoy, which has been primarily organized on Telegram. 'What gets us to the enemy quickly is find, fix, and finish,' Chambers told Jones. 'That's what we did in Syria when we took out ISIS really quick. Now we don't have the authorities to finish, so what we can do is fix the location of where the bad guys are, and pair up with law enforcement who are constitutionally sound.' While this kind of right-wing chatter doesn't always amount to anything, on...
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