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FirstFriday Roundtables - Asia
Forecasting 2024 and the new normal
Fri 7th Jun 2024 at 07:00 PM UTC (45')
23 spots remaining
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COP27's 'loss and damage' fund for developing countries could be a breakthrough ' or another empty climate promise
Posted by Mark Field from The Conversation
Developing nations were justifiably jubilant at the close of COP27 as negotiators from wealthy countries around the world agreed for the first time to establish a dedicated 'loss and damage' fund for vulnerable countries harmed by climate change. I study global environmental policy and have been following climate negotiations from their inception at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Here's what's in the agreement reached at COP27, the United Nations climate talks in Egypt in November 2022, and why it holds much promise but very few commitments. Essentially, the agreement only begins the process of establishing a fund. The implementable decision is to set up a 'transitional committee,' which is tasked with making recommendations for the world to consider at the 2023 climate conference, COP28, in Dubai. Importantly for wealthy countries, the text avoids terms like 'liability' and 'compensation.' Those had been red lines for the United States. The most important operational questions were also left to 2023. Three, in particular, are likely to hound the next COP....
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FirstFriday Roundtables Launch Event - Europe
Industry - Academia partnering in 2024
Fri 7th Jun 2024 at 08:00 PM UTC (45')
We would like to run a pilot event to discuss the Unicircles value proposition
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Grassroots 2021
Thu 22nd Jul ~ Sun 25th Jul 2021, In or near New York
The Grass Roots is an American rock band that charted frequently between 1966 and 1975. It was originally the creation of Lou Adler and songwriting duo P. F. Sloan and Steve Bar...
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