Posted by Alumni from Substack
May 26, 2024
This is the choice we have made. Your friend and several other residents on the lower floors had their homes destroyed by flooding caused by unexpected and severe rains, a result of the climate crisis. In a courageous show of solidarity, the homeowners convene a meeting to discuss how to address the damage and prepare for the increasingly violent future that all agree lies ahead. Following one of these meetings, a communique is distributed, stating that those of us on the upper floors will provide financial aid to the lower floor residents impacted by the disaster. However, the fine print makes it clear that this aid is contingent upon the affected homeowners using repair and mitigation services offered by the upper floor residents. These upper floor owners, including us, can secure loans at lower interest rates due to our unaffected assets and creditworthiness. We then lend this money to the desperate lower floor residents, ostensibly in a show of unity. The injustice of this setup... learn more
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