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Water cooperation is essential when countries share lakes and rivers ' yet it's been deteriorating in many places, with serious consequences
Just over half the world's population shares a river or lake basin with at least one other country. To sustainably manage those water resources for the health of people, ecosystems and economies, neighboring countries must work together. This trend away from multilateralism isn't unique to water. The world is seeing a decline in the general willingness of countries to jointly solve many interstate, regional and global challenges. It shows as countries, like the U.S., pull out of the global institutions, such as the World Health Organization, and drop their support for global climate goals. The breakdown in cooperation can have severe consequences. If one country takes more water than agreed upon, and builds dams or pollutes the water, its neighbors and their people, cities, agriculture, energy production and wildlife can suffer. That can ultimately destabilize local communities, deteriorate relations between countries and endanger regional peace and stability. We conduct research and work with governments and international organizations on environment and water law, policy and governance. The shift we're seeing away from multilateral cooperation and rules-based order to more nationalistic tendencies, in which a country prioritizes itself to the detriment of all others, is raising concerns about the future....
Mark shared this article 4d
How Nutriset, a French company, has helped alleviate hunger and create jobs in some of the world's poorest places
Nutriset, a French company, was founded by Michel Lescanne. He was one of two scientists who invented this product in 1996. A sticky peanut butter paste branded Plumpy'nut, it's enriched with vitamins and minerals and comes in packets that require no refrigeration or preparation. Health care professionals were quickly convinced of its promise. What was harder to figure out was how to manufacture as many packets as possible while cutting costs. In 2008, ready-to-use therapeutic food producers like Nutriset charged US$60 for one box of 150 packets ' the number needed to treat one severely malnourished child for the 6-8 weeks needed for their recovery. In a study we published in the Journal of Management Studies in October 2024, we explained how the international agencies, nongovernmental organizations, activists and for-profit companies involved in the product's distribution managed to resolve a public controversy over the use of Nutriset's patent and its for-profit business model. Contrary to the expectations of activists and many humanitarian NGOs, this for-profit company managed to reduce its prices down to $39 per box of Plumpy'nut packets by 2019 and keep them consistently lower than any nonprofit or for-profit competitors could, all the while enforcing its patent rights....
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Why is water different colors in different places'
Posted by Mark Field from The Conversation in Places
You would probably be more excited to swim in some of these waters than in others. And the ones that seem cleanest would probably be the most appealing. Whether or not you realize it, you are applying concepts in physics, biology and chemistry to decide whether you should leap in. The color of water offers information about what's in it. As an engineer who studies water resources, I think about how I can use the color of water to help people understand how polluted lakes and beaches are, and whether they are safe for swimming and fishing. These particles are often carried into the water during storms. Any rainfall that hits the ground and doesn't go into the soil becomes runoff, flowing downhill until it reaches an open body of water and picking up loose materials along the way. Particles in water interact with radiation from the Sun shining on the water's surface. The particles can either absorb this radiation or reflect it in a different direction ' a process known as scattering. What we see with our eyes is the fraction of radiation that is scattered back out of the water's surface. It strongly affects how water looks to us, including its color....
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Preventing 'revenge quitting:' 5 things workplaces can do to help employees feel like they belong
Posted by Mark Field from The Conversation in Places
In the past, fear of economic ruin, social stigma and valuing job stability over personal dignity kept many employees from quitting under such circumstances. However, unprecedented inequality and other geopolitical risks are causing an increase in revenge quitting and similar behaviours. Companies that want to address this issue have much to gain, but they must go beyond diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) or human resources strategies. Creating a genuine sense of belonging can reshape workplace culture, boost engagement and overall business success. When employees resign as a final act of protest against toxic workplace conditions, the impact on organizations can be significant. One of the most obvious consequences is financial loss. Sudden departures lead to expenses related to recruiting, hiring, training, as well as lost productivity and project disruptions. Finally, revenge quitting can have lasting consequences on workplace culture. If the toxic behaviour that caused the resignation remains unaddressed, remaining employees may become disengaged, leading to a decline in work quality....
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