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MIT helping robots perform complex tasks without many rules
MIT has a new Planning with Uncertain Specifications (PUnS) system that could allow robots to learn complex tasks simply by observing humans....
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MIT researchers look under the road to aid self-driving cars
To aid self-driving vehicles with mapping and navigation during bad weather, including snow and rain, researchers develop ground-penetrating radar system....
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Three things central bankers can learn from Bitcoin
In a recent panel discussion, experts highlighted some practical lessons from the original cryptocurrency. For central bankers, the game changed last summer when Facebook unveiled its proposal for Libra. Many have responded by seriously exploring whether and how they should issue their own digital money. Arguably, though, the more fundamental change is more than a decade old. It was Bitcoin that first made it possible to transfer digital value without the need for an intermediary, a model that competes directly with the traditional financial system. The network’s resilience against attackers suggests there is another way of setting up the system. Last weekend at the MIT Bitcoin Expo held on campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I sat down with experts familiar with central banking as well as cryptocurrency. We discussed the practical concerns central bankers should be considering as they begin to design their own digital money systems. One common theme: central bankers have plenty to learn from Bitcoin....
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MIT CSAIL TextFooler Framework Tricks Leading NLP Systems
Facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in professional software development Back to login Krystian Rybarczyk looks into coroutines and sees how they facilitate asynchronous programming, discussing flows and how they make writing reactive code simpler. The evolution of software architecture need new approaches for continuous planning, facilitating continuous integration, and dashboards and tools, which provide guide rails for systems to evolve. The book Accelerating Software Quality by Eran Kinsbruner explores how we can combine techniques from artificial intelligence and machine learning with a DevOps approach to increase testing effectiveness and deliver higher quality. It provides examples and recommendations for using AI/ML-based solutions in software development and operations. In this podcast recorded at QCon San Francisco 2019, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Ayana Miller of Pinterest on privacy & data governance and Julia Nguyen about her open-source project for supporting mental health....
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