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Ethical Frameworks for AI Aren’t Enough
Environmental well-being. Human agency. Transparency. These are just a few of the ill-defined principles commonly listed in ethical frameworks for artificial intelligence (AI), hundreds of which have now been released by organizations ranging from Google to the government of Canada to BMW. As organizations embrace AI with increasing speed, adopting these principles is widely viewed as one of the best ways to ensure AI does not cause unintended harms....
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3 Ways Companies Can Retain Working Moms Right Now
Posted by Mark Field from HBR in Corporate Law
It has become alarmingly clear that the Covid-19 pandemic is threatening women’s careers. In September 2020 alone, 865,000 women left the U.S. workforce, compared to 216,000 men. Furthermore, one in four women are considering either leaving the workforce or reducing their work hours. A stream of advice has suggested how working mothers can work from home with kids, manage work/life boundaries (or lack thereof), and handle anxiety over school decisions. Yet when we interviewed working mothers about these challenges this summer, we learned how many have taken it upon themselves to address the challenges they’re facing, rather than their employers and managers stepping up and getting involved....
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What Health Care Can Teach Other Industries About Preventing Burnout
The first week of business school was an introduction to a world of new concepts. Just as the foundational coursework was coming to an end, we took on a daylong deep dive into case studies examining ways of ensuring corporate wellbeing. As a physician leading the wellbeing program for the largest health care provider in the Mid-Atlantic region, this was a pleasant departure into familiar territory....
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Research: Why Corporate Fraud Reports are Down
While organizational fraud cases are on the rise, the percentage of those reported to the police has been declining in recent years. We can explain this in part because organizations worry that by reporting internal fraud they will harm their reputation. But when we conducted a 28-month ethnography, speaking directly with fraud specialists working in various types of organizations and a series of 27 formal interviews with Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs), we found an additional reason: Many organizations believed that the police and legal system could not be trusted to fully investigate....
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