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89% Posted by Prof. Dr. Corneliu in Academia & Sciences and Dentistry - Recommended by Business leader
Herein, we show that inhibition of antioxidant production through down-regulation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 pathway in oPMN, despite enhanced recruitment in the oral cavity, is...
Imdad Ali, Frank, and +1
The Simplicity of Telling the Truth
It is a great privilege to be a physicist because all you need to remember are the fundamental laws of nature and everything else is derived from them. There is no need to memorize individual phenomena because they represent manifestations of these laws. Knowing the laws that govern nature brings efficiency to the way you figure things out. All atoms in the Universe obey the same law of energy conservation with no exception. The universality of physical laws is remarkable given the backdrop of human interactions. There are no universal laws that govern people, as evident from the busy schedule of the legal court system. In difference from atoms, there is always an abundance of people who break societal laws. Psychologists are well aware of the risk of forecasting human actions; if the individuals are aware of your forecast, some will violate it just for fun. But even in human relationships, there is a path to better efficiency. It is followed by being truthful. If you speak the truth, you do not need to remember what you already said a while ago, because the truth is backed by reality and reality is always consistent with its past. Deviations from the truth require us to carefully craft subsequent deliberations so that they will be consistent. This in turn requires us to remember what was already said in order not to break apparent consistency and reveal the lie. After getting married, I told my wife that she can count on me being truthful in our relationship, because having an affair and remembering a false narrative is too much work. She noted: 'This is not romantic.' But she quickly realized that she can count on it, just the way a physicist counts on the laws of physics. Both are efficient ways to maintain simplicity, honesty and trust....
Academic research project, looking for Funding for a research project - Recommended by Business leader
Need field data from the nuclear power industry on reactor operation during the develop...
Target: 600,000
Scientific Sense
Scientific Sense ® is a daily podcast focused on Science and Economics. We talk with the world's leading academics about their research and emerging ideas in a variety of domains. The conversation is unstructured and unscripted. The host, Gill Eapen, has over 30 years of experience in various areas in Economics, Science, Technology, and Business. Decision Options ®, the firm he founded in 2001, is a leader in AI applications for decision-making. Mr. Eapen is the author of two textbooks and a paperback. Please visit for categorized episodes from the past....
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