
Unicircles Rank: 46
Rolling the freshness in daily!
The Kroger Company, is an American retail company that operates supermarkets and multi-department stores throughout the United States.The Kroger Company is the United States' largest supermarket operator by revenue and fifth-largest general retailer. The company is one of the largest American-owned private employers in the United States. Kroger is ranked #17 on the Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.
Community Valuation
Not valued
Unicircles Rating:
(Ranked #2023, 0 votes)
Industry Sector:
Consumer Products
Growth Stage:
Stage V - Mature Company or Partnership
Nearest Metro Area:
R&D / Innovation / Operations / IT
Board / CXO / Strategy / Partner
R&D / Innovation / Operations / IT
R&D / Innovation / Operations / IT
R&D / Innovation / Operations / IT
R&D / Innovation / Operations / IT