Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and Stream Interaction Regions observed by Tianwen-1 and Maven at Mars

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 13th Mar 2023  arXiv Download
Posted by Alumni
March 18, 2025
Tianwen-1 spacecraft (Wan et al. 2020) is China's first Mars exploration mission. The Mars Orbiter Magnetometer (MOMAG) is a scientific instrument aboard the Tianwen-1 mission that is designed to study magnetic fields at Mars, including the solar wind to the magnetosheath and the ionosphere. Using the first Tianwen-1/MOMAG data that is publicly available, we present interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) and stream interaction region (SIR) catalogues based on in-situ observations at Mars between November 16, 2021, and December 31, 2021. We compared the magnetic field intensity and vector magnetic field measurements from Tianwen-1/MOMAG and Mars Atmospheric Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN)/MAG during the ICME and SIR interval and found a generally good consistency between them. Due to MAVEN's orbital adjustment since 2019, the Tianwen-1/MOMAG instrument is currently the almost unique interplanetary magnetic field monitor at Mars. The observations indicate that the MOMAG instrument on Tianwen-1 is performing well and can provide accurate measurements of the vector magnetic field in the near-Mars solar wind space. The multi-point observations combining MOMAG, MINPA, and MEPA on board Tianwen-1 with MAG, SWIA, and STATIC on board MAVEN will open a window to systematically study the characteristic of ICMEs and SIRs at Mars, and their influences on the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere. learn more on arXiv
Astronomy & Space

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