Green Information Technology as Administrative innovation - Organizational factors for successful implementation: Literature Review

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 10th Jun 2016  arXiv Download
Posted by Alumni
January 13, 2025
There is a considerable amount of awareness of environmental issues and corporate responsibility for sustainability. As such, from a technological viewpoint, Green IT has become an important topic in contemporary organizations. Consequently, organisations are expected to be innovative in their business practices to become more sustainable. Yet, the popularity and adoption of such initiatives amongst employees remain low. Furthermore, the management practices for adhering to Green IT are largely dormant, lacking active incentives for employees to engage in Green IT initiatives. This study observes the phenomenon of Green IT through administrative innovation. In doing so this paper performs a comprehensive analysis of 137 papers published between 2007 and 2015. The paper reveals organizational factors for successful implementation of Green IT as administrative innovation that can be useful to both academia and practice. learn more on arXiv
Management Science

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