Analyzing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) recent development in education

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Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have revolutionized learning approaches through immersive digital experience, interactive environment, simulation and engagement. Yet, these technologies are in developing stage and require massive investment and mass customization to meet the high demand in education. This comprehensive review aims to frame AR and VR development in education during the last twelve years. By adopting text mining and topic analysis approaches, a total of 1536 articles were selected for further analysis. These articles were selected from Scopus database based on specific criteria where titles, keywords and abstracts were extracted for analysis by WordStat. Hypotheses were formulated based on the prior works of AR and VR in education and being processed and evaluated to unvield state of art of AR and VR literature development, applications, advantages and future directions. Results reveal that adoption of AR and VR in education have exponential growth during recent years where wearable device have gain the large portion of this development. Based on secondary data, results also reveal the gap in implementing and customizing these technologies quickly in educational institutions. As AR and VR technologies rapidly develop and become mature, more educational applications emerge in learning process. Researchers are recommended to keep in pace to discover gaps of AR and VR transition to education and create effective adaptability approaches to gain more benefits of these technologies development.
Posted by Alumni
April 29, 2024
54 %
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