Posted by Alumni from The Atlantic
February 13, 2025
The rise of the American software industry in the 20th century was made possible by a partnership between emerging technology companies and the U.S. government. Silicon Valley's earliest innovations were driven not by technical minds chasing trivial consumer products but by scientists and engineers who aspired to address challenges of industrial and national significance using the most powerful technology of the age. Their pursuit of breakthroughs was intended not to satisfy the passing needs of the moment but rather to drive forward a much grander project, channeling the collective purpose and ambition of a nation. This early dependence of Silicon Valley on the nation-'state and indeed the U.S. military has, for the most part, been forgotten, written out of the region's history as an inconvenient and dissonant fact''one that clashes with the Valley's conception of itself as indebted only to its capacity to innovate. The United States since its founding has always been a... learn more

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