Posted by Alumni from The Atlantic
March 17, 2025
I'm borrowing that from a 1998 song by America's sweetheart, Faith Hill, but if you don't know the song, you still know that simple truth. You also know that to fail is to strike out; to fail valiantly is to go down swinging; to be surprised is to be thrown a curveball; to help a buddy out is to go to bat for him; and to succeed brilliantly is to knock one out of the park. And even if you haven't seen A League of Their Own, or have somehow missed Jennifer Garner's Capital One ads, you've probably heard the maxim 'There's no crying in baseball.' In January, I was standing in the locker room of George M. Steinbrenner Field, in Tampa, next to my teammates, whom I had met only the night before. When we heard the immortal words of Tom Hanks as Jimmy Dugan, the aggrieved manager of the Rockford Peaches women's baseball team, piping out of a nearby speaker, we recognized them and laughed. Then we clapped (or took out our phones for photos) as Len Milcowitz, the field coordinator and... learn more

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