Over the last 30 years, I have conducted a significant number of field visits around the world to evaluate how companies manage their operations from an environmental and social perspective. I have visited Asian sweatshops, African and Siberian mines and oil fields, South American rainforests, Australian agricultural lands, and North American shale gas and oil fields. From Greenland's mineral riches to hidden pharma giants in India, I have seen a significant part of global supply chains, meeting both the people involved and those affected. It has been'and still is, in my view'the best way to truly understand what is going on. Without local field context, most sustainability commitments and activities are simply words on paper. This investment approach, where you see, touch, and feel what you are investing in, has not been'and still is not'very common. It is a complex, costly, and labor-intensive endeavor, sometimes even dangerous. This case landed on my desk when I was managing the...
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