Posted by Alumni from The Conversation
December 12, 2023
King Herod will sound familiar to anyone who's heard the Christmas story. King of Judea when Jesus of Nazareth was born, the ruler attempts to find and kill the baby after hearing that the 'King of the Jews' has just been born. Tricked by the Magi, the wise men whom Herod had sent to determine where the infant was, a raging Herod decreed that all children 2 and under who live near Bethlehem are to be killed. The Gospel of Matthew contains the famous account of this 'slaughter of the innocents,' and of Mary, Joseph and Jesus' flight to Egypt. Interestingly, King Herod's storyline is not found in any other biblical texts nor in Roman records. Yet it is pivotal in Matthew's Gospel, which contrasts Herod's mission, death, to that of the baby Jesus, life. I am a scholar who studies the interpretation of Matthew's Gospel, as well as the Jewish roots of Christianity. Historians in the field know a fair amount about Herod's life, and the actual facts are somewhat surprising. Writers such as... learn more
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