Posted by Alumni from TechCrunch
December 16, 2024
President-elect Donald Trump has surrounded himself with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs ' including Elon Musk, Marc Andreessen, and David Sacks ' who are now advising him on technology and other issues. When it comes to AI, this crew of technologists is fairly aligned on the need for rapid development and adoption of AI throughout the U.S. However, there's one AI safety issue this group brings up quite a bit: the threat of AI 'censorship' from Big Tech. AI censorship is a term used to describe how tech companies put their thumb on the scale with their AI chatbots' answers in order to conform to certain politics, or push their own. Others might call it content moderation, which often refers to the same thing but has a very different connotation. Much like social media and search algorithms, getting AI answers right for live news events and controversial subjects is a constantly moving target. For the last decade, conservatives have repeatedly criticized Big Tech for caving to... learn more