Posted by Alumni from WEF
September 20, 2024
Imagine scraping together all the cash you can get your hands on - your savings, money from things you can sell, credit card cash advances, loans from banks or friends - and betting the whole lot on an online investment. And then imagine sitting in your stark one-room apartment and watching a computer screen as those few thousand dollars turn into millions. That's the gripping story at the centre of a documentary, 'This Is Not Financial Advice,' in which four very different investors try to make sense of'and money out of'the flourishing world of online markets. In the film, Glauber Contessoto, aka Pro, aka The Dogecoin Millionaire, watches his investment soar and then crash as he urges his online followers to keep faith in the cryptocurrency he has staked his fortune on. "For many reasons that we'll get into, Glauber holds on to this investment, rides it up to 2 million, then 2 million to 3 million, still refusing to sell," movie director Chris Temple tells the Forum's Radio Davos... learn more