Posted by Alumni from The Conversation
March 17, 2025
In 1957, Hollywood released 'The Deadly Mantis,' a B-grade monster movie starring a praying mantis of nightmare proportions. Its premise: Melting Arctic ice has released a very hungry, million-year-old megabug, and scientists and the U.S. military will have to stop it. In the late 1940s, Arctic temperatures were warming and the Cold War was heating up. The U.S. military had grown increasingly nervous about a Soviet invasion across the Arctic. It built bases and a line of radar stations. The movie used actual military footage of these polar outposts. In response to those concerns, the military created the Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment, a research center dedicated to the science and engineering of all things frozen: glacier runways, the behavior of ice, the physics of snow and the climates of the past. As I was writing 'When the Ice is Gone,' my recent book about Greenland, climate science and the U.S. military, I read government documents from the 1950s and 1960s... learn more

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