Some people view reading as though it's homework, making a list of the books they intend to get through in a given month or year. But perhaps a better approach is to view reading as a mental workout. As Ilana Masad wrote recently, 'There are many ways to advance your skill and capacity as a reader: Some of us are naturally drawn to detailed nonfiction, and others must learn to love it; some may have a taste for meandering, multigenerational epics, while their friends must train to build up the attention span they need.' Instead of deciding how many books you'd like to read this year, it might be worth considering which 'muscles' you'd like to strengthen in your brain. Today's newsletter explores reading, puzzles, and other forms of exercise for the brain'including the physical kind. I recently asked readers to share a photo of something that sparks their sense of awe in the world. 'I attached a macro lens to my phone and a world opened up that I had never seen before,' Robin H, 73,...
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