In spring 2024, rapper Iggy Azalea was casting about for a concept that she could try to transmute into a hit crypto coin. It had to be memeable'that is, easily remixed and riffed upon'and it had to be attention-grabbing. On May 29, Azalea launched the Mother Iggy (MOTHER) coin. For its emblem, she selected a picture of her derriere. Within two weeks, the coin had reached a total value of $240 million. (At the time of writing, MOTHER is worth around $50 million.) 'Everybody knows that I have a big butt'it goes viral easily ' The butt is just an easy inroad,' Azalea told WIRED at the time of the launch. 'My concept for MOTHER has overarchingly been that I love mothers in pop culture and movies; those characters are oftentimes quite deranged, powerful, and crazy, but you respect them. In a Freudian way, there's also a weird obsession with your friend's hot mom. I can play on this 1,001 different ways.' Around that time, a bunch of other celebrities'from Caitlyn Jenner to Andrew Tate...
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