Posted by Alumni from The Atlantic
March 16, 2025
The Yiddish poet Chaim Grade survived World War II by fleeing his city, Vilna, now Vilnius, and wandering through the Soviet Union and its Central Asian republics. His wife and mother stayed behind and were murdered, probably in the Ponary forest outside Vilna, along with 75,000 others, mostly Jews. After the war, Grade moved to the United States and wrote some of the best novels in the Yiddish language, all woefully little known. Before he left for America, however, he went back to Vilna, previously a center of Eastern European Jewish cultural, intellectual, and religious life''the Jerusalem of Lithuania.' In his memoir, My Mother's Sabbath Days, he describes what he found there. The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one's eradicated civilization pushes Grade into a biblical register. His mother's home is intact, he writes, but cobwebs bar his entry 'like the angels with flaming swords who barred Adam and Eve from... learn more

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