Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, no longer has to stay in France. A source told AFP that the investigating judge in charge of Durov's case has accepted a request to modify the conditions of his supervision. 'As you may have heard, I've returned to Dubai after spending several months in France due to an investigation related to the activity of criminals on Telegram,' Durov wrote on Monday in a message posted to his Telegram channel. 'The process is ongoing, but it feels great to be home.' Shortly afterward, the Paris criminal court, which is in charge of the investigation, explained the reasons for his arrest. Most of the charges revolve around the Telegram founder allegedly being complicit in facilitating organized fraud, illegal transitions, and the sharing of CSAM (child sexual abuse material) on the messaging and social platform. At the time, Durov agreed to pay a '5 million bail ($5.5 million at current exchange rates) and to check in at a police...
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