Posted by Alumni from WEF
September 20, 2024
Public concern about climate change has been increasing in the past several years ' and now it is at an all-time high in many countries. Despite a general sense of alarm among citizens globally, awareness around climate change and personal risk perceptions are unevenly distributed across the world. In developing nations, most people are worried about climate change but relatively few believe it will harm them a great deal personally. In comparison, public risk perceptions are higher in emerging economies, which is consistent with the disproportionate effects of climate change experienced in the Global South. However, awareness is relatively low in the developing world 'and a staggering two billion adults worldwide know little to nothing about climate change. When considering the aspiration-action gap for people wishing to lead sustainable lifestyles, it is important to understand for whom it applies. The aspiration-action gap is particular concern for those who already have basic... learn more