Brent Minchew is an Associate Professor of Geophysics in the department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at MIT. He studies the behavior of glaciers in response to environmental factors and is dedicated to understanding sea level rise and exploring viable interventions to stabilize ice sheets. SALLY KORNBLUTH: Hello, everyone. I'm Sally Kornbluth, President of MIT, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to this MIT community podcast, Curiosity Unbounded. Since coming to MIT, I've been particularly inspired by talking with members of our faculty who recently earned tenure. Like their colleagues in every field here, they are pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Their passion and brilliance, their boundless curiosity offer a wonderful glimpse of the future of MIT. Today, my guest is Brent Minchew, an associate professor in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Brent studies how glaciers and ice sheets are changing in response to global warming and other...
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