Posted by Alumni from Crunchbase
July 26, 2024
So far, 2024 has proven no exception, with startups in Paris and other regions of France collectively securing close to $4.7 billion in seed through growth-stage financing. While funding this year remains well below peak, it looks on track to come in roughly in line with last year, as charted below. !function(e,n,i,s){var d="InfogramEmbeds";var o=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];if(window[d]&&window[d].initialized)window[d].process&&window[d].process();else if(!e.getElementById(i)){var r=e.createElement(n);r.async=1,,r.src=s,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,"script","infogram-async",""); This year's totals got a boost from some particularly large rounds. The one that drew the most headlines was for Paris-based Mistral AI, which is developing an open-source large language model. The startup reportedly raised $500 million in equity and $140 in debt in a June financing at a valuation of over $6 billion.... learn more