Fund VI is 58% larger than its predecessor and attracted nearly 100% re-up participation from existing limited partners. The fund also secured '2.2bn in new institutional commitments from Europe, North America, Asia, and, for the first time, Australia and Latin America. Fund VI will continue Oakley's proven strategy of investing in mid-market, founder-led businesses across four core sectors: technology, digital consumer, education, and business services. The fund will pursue similar-sized companies to those targeted by Fund V, but with greater capital flexibility to support buy-and-build strategies and potentially increase the number of platform investments. Oakley's approach has delivered strong performance across its previous funds, with realised returns averaging a gross multiple of 3.9x and a 52% gross IRR. Over the past year, the firm has completed three exits, reinforcing its reputation for consistent distributions to investors. Partner Rebecca Gibson thanked investors for...
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