Posted by Alumni from MIT
September 19, 2024
'Maybe it's not a Ferrari yet, but we have a car,' says Bill Aulet, the center's managing director. The vehicle: the MIT Entrepreneurship JetPack, a generative artificial intelligence tool trained on Aulet's 24-step Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework to input prompts into large language models. Introduce a startup idea to the Eship JetPack, 'and it's like having five or 10 or 12 MIT undergraduates who instantaneously run out and do all the research you want based on the question you asked, and then they bring back the answer,' Aulet says. The tool is currently being used by entrepreneurship students and piloted outside MIT, and there is a waitlist that prospective users can join. The tool is accessed through the Trust Center's Orbit digital entrepreneurship platform, which was launched for student use in 2019. Orbit grew out of a need for an alternative to the static Trust Center website, Aulet says. 'We weren't following our own protocols of entrepreneurship,' he says. 'You... learn more