Posted by Alumni from The Atlantic
March 13, 2025
Elon Musk's assertion of power over some of the government's largest and most sensitive data systems isn't merely a contravention of American statutory law, administrative norms, and individual privacy rights. It is an act of constitutional restructuring, and should be understood in those terms. Musk's team has accessed a Department of Treasury database that guides the disbursement of more than $5 trillion in federal funds. It is tussling with senior officials at the Internal Revenue Service over access to tax returns, among the most protected federal data, and at the Social Security Administration over access to data systems containing medical and bank records. A court has temporarily blocked Musk and his team from obtaining data about millions of Americans' student loans, but only for now. And just last week, Musk sought access to 'the most sensitive of all': a database reflecting ongoing wage and income information for most working Americans. The Constitution distributes power... learn more
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