Posted by Alumni from TechCrunch
March 20, 2025
Y Combinator CEO Garry Tan shared the news separately in a company blog post, highlighting Seibel's long history with the outfit. Seibel first joined YC as a founder, going through the program twice ' once with the streaming startup Justin.TV and later with the streaming app Socialcam. Seibel later served as a group partner, managing director, and CEO of the YC accelerator. Notably, Seibel had already stepped back into a less operational group partner role recently. In a YC blog post last year, he wrote that he was ready to 'hand over my leadership responsibilities,' with the transition becoming 'effective' after the accelerator's winter batch of startups completed the program. A dozen years is a long tenure for anyone, but Seibel's departure may have been set in motion as early as 2022, when Tan was appointed president and CEO. The move reportedly surprised some YC employees ' partly because Tan was running a separate venture fund at the time outside of YC, but also because they... learn more

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