Posted by Alumni from WEF
May 31, 2022
A lot can happen in two years ' especially when our future is at stake. While the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted massive economic and social damage on the world, it has also prompted an unprecedented flowering of innovative responses and a new spirit of collaboration and unusual alliances that bring hope. The World Economic Forum's Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship (formerly the COVID Response Alliance) is one such initiative. What began as a collective response to support social entrepreneurs working on the frontlines of the crisis to protect the world's most vulnerable [people, communities, and ecosystems], has evolved into a powerful public-private partnership of more than 100 leaders from government, business, philanthropy and academia with the potential to drive transformation at the speed and scale needed to rebuild and 're-steer' towards a more just and sustainable world. Social entrepreneurs have long played a vital role in driving transformation. We look to them... learn more
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