Posted by Alumni from WEF
September 20, 2024
As we approach the 2030 deadline established by the United Nations to progress the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda, quantum technologies might offer a unique opportunity to advance the 17 sustainability goals, from alleviating poverty, to decarbonizing our planet, moving to renewable energies, and improving health and well-being for all. The report, Quantum for Society: Meeting the Ambition of the SDGs, aims to provide some guidance on how quantum technologies might unlock value for society. To do this, the nascent ecosystem must work jointly to identify, prioritize and research quantum technologies ' e.g. quantum computing, quantum sensing and quantum communication ' that offer the chance to bring significant progress to our sustainability goals. Quantum might well be the disruptive technology we were waiting for to turbocharge the race to the SDGs. Identifying quantum solutions that might achieve readiness in the next six years and have the potential to scale fast,... learn more