Laboratory test results supply the foundation for most medical decisions. However, they are likely to feature more prominently in healthcare, given persistent trends in human health. These include ageing populations, higher rates of non-communicable diseases, and upticks in early-onset cancers, obesity, type 2 diabetes and other cardiometabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. Accuracy, fast turnaround times and access will always be the pillars of quality diagnostic testing. Yet, certain conditions within the healthcare landscape threaten that vital triad. Devising solutions to ensure these pillars remain intact will be essential to advancing human health worldwide. Over the past decade, the healthcare industry has faced a reverberating shortage of qualified professionals ' from lab technologists to nurses and doctors. Burnout fatigue among overworked staff is prevalent, and its ramifications are significant. In traditional diagnostic laboratories, for instance, mislabeled samples,...
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ML and the anticipation of specific side effects will be a cost-effective tool in decentralized clinical trials and registries, enabling a more nuanced understanding of symptom associations with different diseases.