With such high stakes, it's easy to feel stressed about the complicated negotiation process. To relieve that burden, we turned to members of Forbes Real Estate Council for their advice. Below they shared their top tips for easily navigating the negotiation process for your next real estate purchase.You've reached a point where you have a willing buyer and a willing seller. There's no reason to not find common ground. The key is to keep the buyer and seller discussing how to close the gap and reminding each of them that the other side hopes to reach an agreeable position, too. As long as you can keep people's minds open to thinking outside the box, you have a 95% chance of closing the deal. Everyone must maintain a position of mutual respect. - Cynthia Inman, Ranch Connection LLCThe negotiation process is confrontational and stressful by nature. I try to mitigate those challenges by being sincerely complimentary of the property, agent and client whenever possible. The intent is to...
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