Posted by Alumni from The Atlantic
February 25, 2025
At first, Thursday's festivities in Gaza seemed like just another sordid spectacle in a 16-month exhibition of debasement. In front of a raucous crowd, Hamas gunmen displayed coffins containing the remains of four Israelis: an octagenarian peace activist named Oded Lifshitz, child hostages Ariel and Kfir Bibas'ages 4 years and nine months, respectively, when kidnapped'and their mother, Shiri. A label affixed to the latter's coffin declared that she had been 'arrested' on October 7, presumably for the crime of existing while Jewish. All four corpses were handed over to the Red Cross for transfer to Israel as part of the ongoing cease-fire deal. Then Israeli coroners concluded that the two children had been murdered by their captors and that the woman's body wasn't their mother's after all. A moment of particularly acute horror briefly broke through the headlines that have been dominated by President Donald Trump's turn on Ukraine. 'I condemn the parading of bodies and displaying of... learn more

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