Posted by Alumni from MIT
December 26, 2024
Here at MIT Sloan Management Review, we're lucky to have a growing number of columnists ' true experts who write on their topics regularly ' to share the latest lessons and trends that they're seeing in their fields. Our columnists are constantly looking under the hoods of organizations to see how they work, what they're struggling with, and what kinds of experiments they're doing. Like Formula One race car designers, these writers are always trying to learn from the newest innovations and crystallize how other leaders can apply the latest lessons. We combed through MIT SMR's columns from the past year and culled five tips for leaders who want to recharge their organizations. These insights home in on how to inspire the best from employees and managers and help people embrace the challenges around artificial intelligence, disruption, and burnout ' challenges that all flared hot in 2024. This isn't a definitive list; check out the full collection of MIT SMR columns for more ideas.... learn more