Posted by Alumni from Rockefeller
March 13, 2025
When truly novel innovations scale up, they escape their secure test beds and drive disruptive change in the real world. Things can get unpredictable and uncomfortable as familiar patterns, power dynamics, and operating models change. Systems like to stay put. They dilute incremental efforts at change. Sometimes they need the force of a truly breakthrough solution to create enough disruption, destabilize their equilibrium, and resettle to a better state. At The Rockefeller Foundation, our commitment to innovation and breakthrough solutions sometimes means we don't agree with expert consensus. We sometimes side with the renegade who has a bolder idea, the maverick who wants to roll the dice on a big step forward. This quarter, we celebrate initiatives by our grantees to implement the first Swahili large language AI model to support maternal and newborn health in the face of climate change, support solar energy and battery storage to help community churches become resilience havens... learn more

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