Posted by Alumni from The Atlantic
March 13, 2025
Squinting in the sun with Elon Musk, Trump stood next to five Tesla vehicles, holding a piece of paper with handwritten notes about their features and costs. Trump said he would purchase a car himself at full price. Then Trump and Musk got into one of the cars. Musk explained that the electric vehicle was 'like a golf cart that goes really fast.' Trump offered his own praise to the camera: 'Wow. That's beautiful. This is a different panel than I've'everything's computer!' This was a stilted, corrupt attempt to juice a friend's stock, and certainly beneath the office of the presidency. But you ought not to overlook just how embarrassing the spectacle was for Musk. The subtext of the event'during which Trump also declared that the White House would label any acts of violence against Tesla dealerships as domestic terrorism'was the ongoing countrywide protests against Tesla, due to Musk's role in the Trump administration. In some cities, protesters have defaced or damaged Tesla vehicles... learn more
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