Posted by Alumni from The Conversation
March 25, 2025
Public officials and the media blamed high egg prices on bird flu outbreaks and said containing the outbreak in supply chains would lower prices. In early March 2025, egg prices fell in the U.S., but these trends are likely to reverse due to higher seasonal demand during Easter and Passover. Arresting these rising costs, as I argue in my 2023 book, means reinventing supply chains to address the growing supply, demand and price volatility that has created uncertainty for consumers since the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. I have described global supply chains, and supply chains in the U.S. in particular, as 'efficiently broken.' By this I mean that they aspire to offer low prices from economies of scale but lack sufficient resiliency to create stability. It's one of nine states with a cage-free egg mandate, which requires all eggs sold in the state to come from cage-free facilities. The regulation has been shown to increase the price of eggs by as much as 50%. Over the past two decades,... learn more

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