Posted by Alumni from Substack
March 15, 2025
First, we're pleased to announce our partnership with Astera Institute, a private foundation dedicated to creating public goods that accelerate scientific and technological progress. Astera will support our editorial work for the next two years, allowing us to collaborate with more writers, artists, designers, and data visualization specialists than ever before. This funding will not only sustain our coverage of biological innovation but also enable us to expand into long-form explorations of how science itself operates. A central component of this partnership involves establishing a dedicated metascience column. In 2025, we plan to commission about ten articles examining how scientific inquiry functions. In previous issues, we've begun exploring narrow aspects of how science is done ' Dan Elton's examination of peer review's shortcomings or Saloni Dattani's look into how death records shape public health come to mind ' but now we aim to go much deeper. Starting this month, we will... learn more

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