Posted by Alumni from Analyticsinsight
July 31, 2020
Have you ever noticed how you may do a Google search of a particular type of product and then the next time you log into your social media account, you start to see that same type of product in ads from different businesses? Conspiracy theorists like to say that “we’re being watched,” and in a sense, we kind of are being watched, but not in a “G-14 classified” kind of way.This Deja Vu type of shopping experience is no coincidence but more so one of the results of big data in e-commerce marketing. And big data isn’t something that’s just pulled from your web browser histories either. Big data is collected from things likeTransactional Data is exactly what it says it is. Any types of online transactions you’ve made, big data analyzes the behaviors you have before making that transaction, leaving companies to use that information to improve your buying experience. learn more