Posted by Alumni from Wired
February 25, 2025
Unlike PCs and servers that touted the latest, greatest processors, the puny chips in IoT devices couldn't support the cloud protections other computers were using to keep them siloed and protected. As a result, most embedded devices were attached directly to the local network, potentially leaving them more vulnerable to attack. At the time, Zenla was a prodigious teen, working on IoT platforms and open source, and building community in Minecraft IRC channels. After puzzling over the problem for a few years, she started working on a technology to make it possible for nearly any device to run in its own isolated cloud space, known as a 'container.' Now, a decade later, she's one of three female cofounders of a security company that's trying to change how cloud infrastructure shares resources. Known as Edera, the company makes cloud workload isolation tech that may sound like a niche tool, but it aims to address a universal security problem when many applications or even multiple... learn more

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