Posted by Alumni from WEF
September 21, 2024
In 2024, LinkedIn data shows that the hiring of women for leadership positions began to deteriorate, falling in early 2024 to 36.4% globally, below 2021 levels, with the most notable decline in senior leadership positions. For more than a century, women have demanded rights and benefits that have not been preconceived as humanity's development advances. The notion of this historical debt begins with the most basic fight for labour rights and civil rights and continues today with the quest for 'equal pay' and opportunities for female participation in different productive sectors and hierarchical levels. In Ecuador, a pioneering country for women's suffrage in Latin America, the national reality, as shown in a local study, is that despite its progress ' ranking 10th for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 ' 52% of people still believe that promoting gender equality is synonymous with discrimination against men. In the same survey, only 33% of... learn more