Potential R&D collaboration - Blackstone

Type: Research Collaboration at Blackstone EXPIRED

About Blackstone: Blackstone® is a premier global investment and advisory firm that strives to provide solutions that create lasting value for our investors, the companies in which we invest and society at large. The firm was founded in 1985 by Stephen A. Schwarzman, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Peter G. Peterson, who retired as Senior Chairman in 2008. They began with a modest balance sheet of $400,000 but with a wealth of entrepreneurial ideas about creating a world-class investment and advisory business built on a foundation of uncompromising commitment to excellence. Their vision was to create a firm that put clients’ needs first, that was independent and conflict-free, adhered to the highest ethical standards and sought to create long-term value for all stakeholders.
Earliest Start Date:
5th Feb, 2024
Unicircles Rating:
(Ranked #8, 0 votes)
Position Expiring:
11th Mar 2025

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