Potential R&D collaboration - AltaIR Capital

Type: Research Collaboration at AltaIR Capital EXPIRED

About AltaIR Capital: Altair Capital is an international early-stage venture investment company. The company invests in global startups with teams mainly from the USA, Israel, and Europe. The company’s investment focus is on Productivity Tools/Future of work, AI, SaaS, Fintech, Insuretech, and Digital Health. Altair manages early and growth-stage investment vehicles as well as a pre-IPO fund. Altair Capital was founded by prominent entrepreneur and angel investor Igor Ryabenkiy in 2005. The first two funds were fully invested and have been paid back. Profitability has reached more than 17x on invested capital. Current funds are in the active investment stage and already show healthy profitability and have very promising portfolios.
Earliest Start Date:
5th Feb, 2024
Unicircles Rating:
(Ranked #8, 0 votes)
Position Expiring:
11th Mar 2025

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