Potential R&D collaboration - Mitsui & Co

Type: Research Collaboration at Mitsui & Co EXPIRED

About Mitsui & Co: Mitsui & Co is a global trading and investment company with a diversified business portfolio that spans approximately 63 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, North, Central & South America, The Middle East, Africa and Oceania. Mitsui has about 5,600 employees and deploys talent around the globe to identify, develop, and grow businesses in collaboration with a global network of trusted partners. Mitsui has built a strong and diverse core business portfolio covering the Mineral and Metal Resources, Energy, Machinery and Infrastructure, and Chemicals industries. Leveraging its strengths, Mitsui has further diversified beyond its core profit pillars to create multifaceted value in new areas, including innovative Energy Solutions, Healthcare & Nutrition and through a strategic focus on high-growth Asian markets.
Earliest Start Date:
3rd Feb, 2023
Unicircles Rating:
(Ranked #16075, 0 votes)
Position Expiring:
11th Mar 2025

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